Friday, June 30, 2006

Hold On

i know ezarchive griping is so yesterday, but i'd like to just mention it is not ezarchive, it is petulantlydifficultarchive.

but i shall move on. and i'm in the process of soothing my soul with these two songs. they're magic, i swear. they belong to the category of songs that i never tire of. you know the ones.

they are in direct opposition to those songs that once did it for you but upon later inspection make you feel as if you have not a single ounce of taste. and that's not even the worst part of it for me. these types of songs from my past make me feel sad and uneasy, kind of like realizing that your significant other, who once delighted, stimulated and soothed you is now a big sloppy mess. you wonder, was this song/significant other always like this? has he changed? have i? the problem is, you can always say that the significant other has changed and that he once was in fact an excellent choice of partner. but, with a song, unless it is a remix, does not change. you are forced to realize that you were once the type of person that SOMEHOW LIKED THIS HORRIFIC TRACK. i bet you're hoping i'll give you an example of one of these songs. i won't. i will only share the ones that still do it for me. isn't that what this is all about?

so, like i said. these two songs soothe me when i need it. i hope they do it for you too. the first is the lovely patty griffin and Rain, from 1,000 kisses. they lyrics are poetry but i swear, even if you didn't understand a word of english, this song has the power to haunt. the second is the incomparable, love him or hate him Tom Waits. Hold On, from Mule Variations. While I was struggling with petuantlydifficultarchive, Tom was gruffly reminding me to hold on. and i did, Tom, i did. and i will, for you. thanks to you and patty for your tuneful musings.


Hold On

Thursday, June 29, 2006

My First Music Post

I'm feeling a little agitated. My music is not in one particular locale. I meant it to be but somehow, it seems to have categorized itself. But I don't know the categories. i'm dusty from looking in a crate under my bed. didn't i already upload these CD's? where the expletive are these damn songs?

I pretty much knew what I was going to post. Just 3 songs, that's all. But oh what a long strange trip it has been. I had to go down to the kitchen to get another vodka tonic, just to deal. and even now, i have located the songs, yet ez archive is really getting the better of me. how i hate not knowing what i'm doing. colin knows what he's doing. as does fil. and emilie does not. colin often gripes about work, gym, nick hornby, etc. but no he has no trouble with music posts. but, i've decided, i will post music tomorrow. and it will be wonderful. and then i too will have trouble with work, gym and nick hornby but not posting music. this feels momentous.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

experiments in blogging (aka i don't know what i'm doing, help)

it's saturday night, and with wine in hand i am stepping into the blogging ring. i have no boxing gloves. no one is cheering for me. in fact, i feel as if i probably have no audience at all.

what is the point of this blog you ask? that is yet to be determined. i usually think things through quite exhaustively before i do anything. but not in this case. is that a good thing or a bad thing.

anyway, i've posted my photo as the blog bosses said i had to if i wanted to include it as part of my profile. so i've followed the instructions. maybe i'm not being as spontaneous as it might've originally seemed.